P.O. Box 6065

304 321/2 Street

Gulfport, MS   39506


Payment Option


By using this channel to make a payment on your account with REPAY, you are entering into an agreement with REPAY to expedite this payment at the cost of $7.25.  There are other payment options available to you that do not include a fee.  IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO PAY A FEE FOR MAKING AN ONLINE PAYMENT, PLEASE STOP NOW AND USE ONE OF THE OTHER AVAILABLE PAYMENT OPTIONS.  For information on other payment options including options that do not include any additional fees, or questions about these fees, you may contact Collections Inc. at 228-864-2020. 


Payments are also accepted at our office address shown above or mail, but for your protection, please do not send cash.


This communication is an attempt to collect a debt by a debt collector. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose.